Complete List of Mobile Prefixes in the Philippines

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It’s common for people in the Philippines to have a list of mobile network prefixes printed out and either folded up in their wallet or stuck to the wall by their desk (Who’s guilty? Raise your hands). Everybody wants to save load, we all know that because load costs money and who wants to spend more than they have to just to get in touch with someone? Worst of all is when we accidentally waste load texting or calling the wrong network.

The Philippines is the texting capital of the world and our mobile network providers are constantly competing with each other throwing out cheaper and cheaper promos. However, we can’t deny the fact that more and more people own dual sim phones because they want to maximize the ability to communicate with anyone while minimizing the amount spent.

This is where PreFIX PH comes in. It’s the Philippines’ first ever phonebook app that tells you what networks your contacts belong to. Forget the list, memorizing prefixes or saving a contact as “Juan dela Cruz Smart” and “Juan dela Cruz Globe”. PreFIX PH will tell you what network a number belongs to and you can even sort and filter your contacts by networks so you know who’s Sun, Smart or Globe. No more guessing, no more lists, no more questions.

It’s time to forget about your network identification problems. Solve them all with PreFIX PH. It’s perfect for dual sim users and great for everyone.

We’ve published a 2017 List of Mobile Prefixes for the Philippines!

Complete List of Mobile Prefixes in the Philippines

Phonebook for the Philippines

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    1. my number starts with 0956 daw ta nag ask you dont know what sim card card do you have//////////////// hehheheheeee

    1. Hi jojo,

      We’ve had complaints about Globe’s 0956 before. We even wrote an article on it. Unfortunately, we have yet to hear from Globe regarding this issue. However, you may directly contact Globe’s customer service to have this resolved. Thanks!

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